A pilot training on women’s leadership in coffee cooperatives was held for Kokowagayo and Ara Cahayani Gayo cooperatives on November 6–8, 2018. The pilot training is a follow-up to the 5-day training of trainers (ToT) on women’s leadership in coffee cooperatives that took place October 15–19, 2018, for 18 women leaders and key staff of six women-led cooperatives in Aceh.

The main objective of the ToT was to increase the knowledge of leaders and staff of these cooperatives about how women’s leadership and membership contributes to cooperatives’ democratic governance and economic success and the training and advocacy skills to promote it. Learn more at https://tpsaproject.com/event/pilot-leadership-training-for-two-women-led-coffee-cooperatives-kokowagayo-and-ara-cahayani-gayo/