Success Stories
- Increasing Awareness of Canadian Standards and Regulations to Enable Increased SME Exports (June 2019)
- Improving the Capacity of Indonesian Officials to Understand WTO Law and to Defend Against Unfair Trade Practices (June 2019)
- Strengthening Skills and Knowledge to Expand International Trade Cooperation (June 2019)
Activity Briefs
- Indonesian Government Representatives Participate in Standards Study Visit to Canada (April 2019)
- TPSA Project Delivers a Training Workshop to Prepare Indonesian Officials for Investment Facilitation Negotiations (April 2019)
- ACWL delivers Training Program on WTO Law and Dispute Settlement for Indonesian Government Officials in Yogyakarta (April 2019)
- The TPSA Project Reviews Renewable Energy and the Constraints to Its Expansion in Indonesia (September 2018)
- TPSA Project and the Indonesian Ministry of Trade Host a Policy Dialogue on Industrial Development and Global Value Chains (August 2018)
- TPSA Project Provides Indonesian Testing Labs With an Introduction to Canadian Requirements for Apparel and Footwear Products (May 2018)
- TPSA Provides Capacity-Building to Indonesian Public- and Private-Sector Representatives to Speed Up Implementation of the Bali Agreement on Trade Facilitation (April 2018)
- Improving Indonesia’s Public-Private Consultation Mechanism for Free Trade Negotiations (February 2018)
- TPSA Supports Indonesia’s Participation in the World Trade Organization’s 11th Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires (December 2017)
- Activity Profiles Booklet (November 2017)
- Internship Focuses on Canada’s Public-Private Consultation Mechanism for Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Negotiations (September 2017)
- TPSA Interns Focus on Food and Product Standards and Regulations (May 2017)
- Helping Indonesia to Protect Against Unfair Trade Practices and Import Surges (March 2017)
- TPSA Project Conducts a Workshop to Share Canadian Practices in Standards and Food Safety Systems (May 2016)
- TPSA Project Sponsors Participants at the 10th WTO Ministerial Conference (December 2015)
- TPSA Project Conducts a Trade Negotiation Training Program for Indonesian Government Officials and Private Sector Representatives: A Win-Win Situation (September 2015)