Training on the Global Business Environment

Jakarta , Indonesia

The Forum for International Trade Training (FITT) was asked to provide FITTskills international business training to employees of IETC, a unit of the Indonesian Ministry […]

Training on Global Supply Chain Management

Jakarta , Indonesia

The Forum for International Trade Training (FITT) was asked to provide FITTskills international business training to employees of IETC, a unit of the Indonesian Ministry […]

Training on Economic Modelling of Indonesian Exports

Jakarta , Indonesia

Understanding the factors that enhance Indonesian exports is critical to ensuring that governments are doing everything they can to improve Indonesia’s position in the global […]

Workshop on Analyzing Non-Tariff Measures

Jakarta , Indonesia

Non-tariff measures (NTM) and their trade effects is essential to understanding 21st-century trade patterns. While many NTMs are focussed on non-trade objectives, such as protecting […]